Monday, December 12, 2016

Mannequin Challenge

The Mannequin Challenge is a viral internet video trend where people are frozen as a camera moves through to film them so, of course, Kahikatea HAD to get on board. 

We headed outside to do our usual Friday Dodgeball match and this is what happened... 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

2016 Leavers Video

Year 6 Leavers 2016

This week, we farewelled our year 6's in what was a busy but exciting week!
Tuesday saw our year 6 students dressing in their finest to attend the leavers dinner. We had photos, ate dinner together and shared achievements and awards.
 Friday was the final assembly for 2016 where we re-awarded the awards with the whole school, teachers and extended family. 
Below is the leavers video for 2016! It's a bit of laugh.. feel free to watch and share with loved ones.

To the year 6 students of 2016.. this is an end to an era. Your next journey is about the begin! Good luck with what lies ahead. 
Be kind, be great, be you!